I heard the heat pump next door kick on and I missed winning the pool by mere days.
Instead, my wife ended up being the closest when it came to that first day for air conditioning in the neighborhood.
She picked the neighbor and was off for two days. So she won the family bet this year. However, if there was a bet on who would be the last house to leave the air conditioning on, it would be us. But then again, we may be one of the few natives to the region in our neighborhood. I guess maybe the heat and humidity are just in our blood or something. Don’t get me wrong, there are four months during the summer where I’d be awfully hard pressed to do without air conditioning. And I grew up inside a home that had central air conditioning. But I guess we just alway preferred to deal with the heat by getting used to it. So in our home, we don’t really seal up the house and leave the heat pump on for cooling until as close to June as we can get. But really, this is such a common sense approach to saving on air conditioning costs. If you are more comfortable with the heat, there is less demand for air conditioning. And that means the heat pump runs a lot less. I’ve heard some pretty outrageous rates some of my neighbors are paying and that’s just insane. We all need some air conditioning but getting acclimated to the heat is necessary as well.