Author: Christina

Food or Heating as well as Air Conditioning?

I don’t know how anybody is surviving these afternoons. There are so numerous challenges working against us, including our own mental health issues after these past years of chaos. But on a truly practical level, everything has gotten so expensive that I entirely don’t understand how families are managing to scrape by each week. Personally, […]

I have met all kinds of people.

I also wrote that the AC unit would not last through the summer As an Heating and A/C worker, I have met all kinds of people. I thought I had met the worst and the best, however I was wrong. It’s amazing how the heat of Summer can cause the seemingly nice people to turn […]

He literally Apriled me outside to the AC unit.

I knew whose new home I was going to when the dispatcher handed me the address. I grew up in that house, plus I wasn’t upset to go back there. I tried increasing AC jobs with another Heating, Ventilation & A/C serviceman, but the dispatcher said the owner had recognizably recommended me. I wondered why […]

The mighty window AC

Periodically I just have to laugh at my roommate. He means seriously well plus he is trying genuinely strenuous to learn how to “adult” care about the rest of us. But at the end of the day, he is lacking a few steps behind. It was seriously clear that this was the case when we […]

All it needed was to have the coolant filled.

I stood inside the family room looking at the thermostat to make sure the temperature was going down, when the partner came down the steps I earned a frantic PC call from the partner of a pregnant lady last week. His air conditioning was broken, plus his partner was throwing a fit. He said he […]