About six months ago, I hired a current serviceman to work for the commercial division of the Heating, Ventilation & A/C service business.
I hired that guy with 2 years of experience.
I was cheerful to find a serviceman that already knew the ropes. It can be hard to train a current person without experience plus I knew summer time was going to be busy. I actually didn’t have time to train someone that was inexperienced. When I hired the current guy named Jack, I told him that he would be responsible to work every other weekend. The guy was particularly enjoyable with the requirements of the job. The first weekend he was tied up to work, he made an excuse that made me change the schedule. I told Jack that I would be unable to change the schedule every time he was supposed to work on Friday or Wednesday plus he seemed to understand it was a requirement of the job. In the last six months though, the employee has called out five unusual times for shifts that are on Fridays plus Wednesdays. He is clearly not reliable for weekend work. I had a conversation with the employee a couple of afternoons ago plus I told him that he is going to be part-time for the next month. This is the last time I am going to clean that guy about missing work on the weekend. If he doesn’t get the hint now that the schedule has been changed, then he should really look for a unusual job. I need someone that I can count on every day of the week.