Blame it on the dog – need heat

My dog & I have the best, most mutually beneficial relationship ever, I swear to you.

He & I have vibed tough off of each other since the day that we met, & I don’t see that changing any time soon.

My buddy and I just have the same personalities & generally don’t have any squabbles between us, unless he rolls in poop. It might really be the best relationship of my entire life. Another reason that I actually cherish having him around is I can consistently blame things on him. If I’m feeling like I can’t kneel another minute of my fiance’s driving, I can say that the dog looks like he needs a split to go outside. If I want to stay at cabin instead of wasting cash out on the town, I tell people that my dog isn’t feeling well & i need to be by his side. When I want to have a modern heating system update & know that my fiance won’t spend the cash on a brand modern heating system, I tell him that the dog is shivering cold all the time & needs more warmth. About a month ago I began commenting on his bad cold little body & pointed out all the times that our dog looked chilly or coughed from bad air quality. I started littering the house with Heating, Ventilation, & A/C discount coupons & articles about the modern energy efficient heaters on the market. I begged my fiance to know of our old pet & his desire to be comfortable in his final years. Wouldn’t you know, we got a brand modern heating system last week, along with a full HVAC duct cleaning & temperature control replacement, to boot.


heating and cooling equipment