I’ll wait for a warmer afternoon – inventory

I’m pretty fortunate to have a mostly independent position for work.

I honestly do not like to work with other humans because that means I have to depend on them for several stressful aspects of my job. I honestly dislike making small talk, as well as I also honestly deplore having to work around someone else’s schedule… Probably the best part about toiling as autonomously as I do is getting to set my own schedule as well as honestly maximize my life. That’s why I’m so grateful that I can just scoot this little inventory count a few afternoons later in the week to avoid the brutal chilly of this week. You see, we live in a pretty moderate as well as muggy area! During the summer, our city is known for being warm as well as humid. During the winter, the outdoor air temperature is usually pretty mild as well as comfortable, which is good for me because I dislike being cold. I prefer the fact that I was wearing a sweatshirt outside on Christmas this past year, instead of bundling up inside as well as refusing to leave the central heat. However, we still get just a few chilly afternoons here as well as there. Today is one of them – out of nowhere the outdoor air quality dropped down to a chilly as well as dry 30 degrees, as well as a mighty wind kicked up too. I’m not accustomed to this chill, as well as I don’t want to leave this moderate office to freeze my butt off in the warehouse. Thanks to this independent job, I can stand at my moderate desk as well as wait for the air temperature to match my preferences before I have to torture myself because so-and-so said so.
zone controlled hvac