Party gets strange

I really love hanging out with my old group of friends.

They are my favorite people in the world and I would do anything to spend my time with them.

That’s why it was really exciting that everyone was going to be in town this past weekend for a giant get together. It was an awesome night wandering the town and getting bibulous together, but it ended rather strangely in the early morning hours. See, we were all partying and getting quite debaucherous when we went back to my friend Aidan’s house. The apartment wasn’t exactly large enough for everyone to fit comfortably, but we made it work. Soon however, the thermostat really wasn’t able to keep up with our temperature demands. The large group of people was heating up his apartment and causing the thermostat to cycle on and off at a rapid pace. Then people began going outside to smoke, letting in tons of ice cold outdoor air. This further confused the situation, and soon the air temperature inside was wildly fluctuating between hot and cold temperatures. To make matters even worse, one of our friends locked himself in the bathroom in a dramatic move, so we couldn’t even focus on fixing the air conditions before trying to pry him off the tiled floor all night. By the end of the evening everyone was exhausted and drenched in sweat. We all passed out on random pieces of furniture and awoke the next morning to find that the entire heating and cooling system failed during our night of shenanigans.

radiant floor heating